Course : Pronostique de la part de l'organisation du Marathon NYC

Voilà la prédiction faite pour moi via l'application du Marathon de New York

Your Race Prediction

Thank you for using the NYRR Race Predictor, presented by Tata Consultancy Services.
Marathon Finish-Time Range4:16 - 4:26
Marathon Pace-Per-Mile Range6:03 - 6:18
Race Rationale
Your prediction was generated based on:
The data you entered: 35 km/week, 3 running days per week, 25 km peak long run, regular-run pace of 5:40 per km, long-run pace of 5:40 per km, and training consistency (Always).
Your age and gender: 49-year old male runner
Your predicted finish time range (10 minutes; 4:16 --> 4:26) is an indication of the strength of the prediction, with smaller ranges reflecting an improved prediction confidence level. Running at a steady pace, or with a careful, gradual acceleration, is most efficient and effective. Start conservatively, aiming for the slower end of your estimated pace range (6:18 per km). During the race, evaluate how you’re handling that pace. If you’re feeling good at the halfway point, consider gradually speeding up toward the faster end of your range (6:03 per km). Remember, your pace is calculated based on the course’s topography and the race’s typical weather (54C). Factors such as wind, , and the dense crowds of runners along the course can all add seconds or minutes to your time. In such situations, gauge your effort carefully and run within yourself, especially in the early kilometers. Based on your expected finish time, you can expect to have approximately 133 runners within a 10-second window at the half marathon mark and 56 runners within a 10-second window at the finish. Your expected finish would place you between 20329 and 24347th place and in approximately 2453rd place in your age group (Men 45-49).
